沒有很好 只有更好
鴻業資訊專業團隊的成員由來自國際各知名原廠、代理商,累積十數年經驗的資深專業人士所組成。由於厭惡傳統勞資對立的現象,鴻業團隊成員間不設立明確的上下界線與權責關係,只要可達成團隊共同的工作目標,企業經營的成果能為團隊所有成員共享。因此鴻業的經營團隊捨棄訂定關鍵績效指標KPI (Key Performance Indicators,那是「老闆要員工做的事」;只設定目標與關鍵結果OKR (Objectives and Key Results),那才是「大家想做的事」。
單純提供資訊軟硬體的系統整合服務,已無法滿足企業迎接AI、雲端、5G時代的競爭需求。鴻業資訊除了整合了nVidia、AWS的相關技術與服務之外,因應全球網路攻擊事件頻傳,以及對個人數位資料保護的重視,鴻業目前已與BSI、SGS等國際認證單位合作,協助企業取得ISO 27001的認證,為企業資訊安全的把關盡一分心力。不斷提供企業更新、更完整的服務是鴻業成功經營的立基,因此必須將創新Innovation的基因深深植入鴻業團隊的每一個成員。
We always got your back,我們一定挺你到底!
MEGAINFO was established in 2014, growing fast with the support of global  leading brands such as HP, Dell, Lenovo, Microsoft and Adobe. We have diverse clients in the different category of industry, including public and private sectors, listed and private companies, won the great reputation and credit finally.
The team members of MEGAINFO came from different OBMs and agents with decades' experiences to serve our clients. Our managing philosophy is to apply OKR (Objectives and Key Results) instead of KPI (Key Performance Indicators) since we require all of our associates being able to share our sweets of victory.
We can't satisfy the requirements of our clients entirely just be a system integrator for incoming the demands of AI, cloud and 5G. Besides that the technology and services of nVIDIA and AWS were integrated, MEGAINFO could provide the services of information security consulting and coaching with the collaboration of BSI and SGS to acquire the identification of ISO 27001.
Innovation is the foundation and gene of MEGAINFO already. We are confident and proud to promise our clients and suppliers "We always got your back".